Welcome to Yantze

Yantze is an online chinese medicine Retail Channel. Please come and visit our site regularly to see what we have to offer. Not just in our chinese medicine, liquor, healthcare product & etc but in our service and are always looking at ways to improve. If you have any inquiries, please email me at yantzeent@hotmail.com

2009年12月27日 星期日


[性味归经] 甘,辛,温。归肝,心,脾经。
[功效] 补血,活血,调经,止痛,润肠。
1 用于心肝血虚,白色委黄,玄、眩晕心悸等。
2 用于血虚或血虚而兼有瘀滞的月经不调,痛经,经闭等症。
3 用于血虚,血滞而兼有寒凝,以及铁打损伤,风湿痹阻的疼痛症。
4 用于血虚肠燥便秘。